There are two primary events in Genesis 18, emanating from the visit of the heavenly 'trio" to Abraham. The first event involves the announcement of a son, Isaac. What is the response of Abraham and Sarah to this announcement? Laughter. In fact, "laugh" is found four times in the space of a few verses. The second involves the announcement of Sodom's sin, and the destruction the city. What is the response of Abraham to this announcement? Argument and pleading. Abraham wants to be sure that he can trust God to do the right thing.
I have never tied these two incidents together. Now I see that they are connected by what I call--GOD KNOWS, WE TRUST. In both of these events, we see a man who struggles to trust God what God knows.
You know the end of this story that begins in this chapter. Isaac is born on schedule (Gen 21), and Sodom is revealed to be more wicked than Abraham could ever have imagined (Gen 19). God knows what he knows, and God knows what he is doing. Abraham had to learn that he could trust God.
Of course, what we read in scripture is meant to be applied to our lives. Do we really believe God knows? Does God know what is happening in the world? Does God know how to handle the affairs of the world? Is God aware of what is going on in our lives? If the answer is "yes" then our response is to trust.
I pray that I can do that well in 2012.
I pray that I can do that well in 2012.